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Rocke Sanchez

Episode 153

Passion Change: DJ to DJ Tech

Rocke Sanchez is the creator & owner of SHÄDÖW Sun Covers and a DJ Tech for major music festivals across the US.

Rocke was introduced to the DJ culture in the 8th grade, when a fellow student gave him a cassette with 90s Techno music. His love for the culture grow fast and after high school he worked at a record store in East LA. Soon after that he got the opportunities of a life time to work at Groove Radio 103.1FM . He worked there for 2 years 1997-1999 and had a few different roles from working the street team, board operator and producer of a show for called B-side with host Christen B. After Groove Radio ended Rocke took a break from DJ for a few years.

Rocke started focusing more on becoming a DJ Tech after DJing booking started to decline in 2010. His love and passion for DJing turned into his passion for DJ Teching and now works at some of the largest festivals and with some of the biggest DJ’s in the world. His love and passions for DJ Teching has now inspired him to created his own company called SHÄDÖW. SHÄDÖW focus on making tools to help DJ techs create a seamless and flawless look at any stage big or small.

In 2022 Rocke teamed up with his wife & business partners, Brend and fellow DJ Tech, Justin to create a podcast called Set Times. Set Times is a podcast featuring the people behind the scenes of music events. They want to highlight the stage production, the wonderful community and the unique venues but mostly the hard work it takes to put together these festivals that keep people partying, dancing, and singing the nights away. Their main goal is to shine a light on the people in the dark and show appreciation to those who don’t always get honored.

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Rocke Sanchez Takeaways

Introduction to Music and DJing:
– Rocky’s passion for DJing was ignited in eighth grade when he was introduced to techno house music, which was a stark contrast to the classic rock he was accustomed to. This newfound love for electronic music led him to pursue DJing as a career.

Challenging Childhood:
– Before moving to Monterey Park, Rocky experienced homelessness and a difficult childhood, including witnessing his mother’s struggle with addiction. His life transformed significantly for the better when his stepfather entered his life, offering stability and a new beginning.

Education and Overcoming Obstacles:
– Rocky’s formal education began later than most, as he didn’t attend school regularly until moving to Monterey Park. Despite being placed in special education due to learning disabilities, he persevered and developed strong verbal communication skills.

Career Transition to DJ Tech:
– After a tragedy at EDC Los Angeles, Rocky transitioned from performing as a DJ to working behind the scenes as a DJ Tech, where he ensures that equipment is properly set up for artists at music festivals and events.

Entrepreneurial Ventures:
– Rocky has channeled his expertise into a business called Shadows Sun Covers, creating innovative tools for DJ booths, such as sun covers and cable management solutions, which enhance the setup and visual appeal of DJ performances.

Community and Music Advocacy:
– Rocky has a deep appreciation for the San Gabriel Valley, particularly for the city of Monterey Park, where he now resides. He actively contributes to the local music scene, including playing and assisting with electronic music events at Barnes Park.

“I was blown away because I had never heard anything like that because I was all into listening to classic rock and that’s what really started my journey with becoming a DJ.”

“It was game-changing. That’s why I have so much love and passion for the city of Monterey Park.”

“Once I figured out the formula of DJing, it opened up a whole new thing like I was able to play parties, people were booking me and yeah, it was great.”

“I’m not a professional, I don’t know these things, but it feels good, right, that they can see.”

“It’s kind of a high, it’s like being high. You constantly want that.”

“The album itself represents my father showing me a better life and introducing me to music, so this is a pretty powerful thing with records.”

“It’s the biggest, I think, I could be wrong, but I think it’s the biggest North America rave in the U.S.”

“I love the fact that they [Barnes Park] are the first city around here that started bringing electronic music like a dance event to the city and that’s really awesome to see, to see an actual city supporting that.”


Music Credits

Like it Loud, Dyalla, YouTube Audio Library

Scarlet Fire (Sting), Otis McDonald, YouTube Audio Library

Indecision, Dyalla, YouTube Audio Library

Picture of Rocke Sanchez

Rocke Sanchez

Yang’s Kitchen in Alhambra

New Noodle City in Alhambra

Barnes Park in Monterey Park