CARDON Media is a family-owned multimedia company specializing in community Advertising and Marketing.
They take pride in offering a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of businesses throughout the San Gabriel Valley.
From Print & Digital Advertising to Graphic Design & Print, QR Code Solutions, Tabletops Advertising, Billboard Advertising, Direct To Home, Video Production, and Social Media Advertising, they have it all covered.
When it comes to keeping up with the latest city news, sports, events, and savings, San Gabriel Valley NOW Magazine is your go-to source. Their magazine offers health, money, food, technology, and more articles, providing education and entertainment.
For local businesses looking to reach new customers in the San Gabriel Valley, their San Gabriel Valley NOW and SGV NOW $avings magazines are excellent choices to promote your business.
With a single investment, you get 90 days of exposure and impact, making it an affordable and effective vehicle for promoting your business.
Ready to reach new customers in a big way? Their digital billboard spaces are designed to expand your marketing mix and help grow your business. With over 1,600 locations and counting, you can advertise anytime, anywhere, and on any budget. It’s a fantastic opportunity to impact your target market significantly.