The Boiling Crab story begins in the small town of Seadrift, Texas. For generations, families like Yo’Daddy’s made their living fishing the Gulf waters, trawling for oysters, crabs, and shrimp. The work was grueling, but weekends meant enjoying the spoils – feasts of boiled crawfish, steamed crabs, raw oysters on the half shell, and fresh grilled fish, always chased with cold beer.
In 1995, Yo’Daddy landed his biggest catch yet – his new bride, Yo’Mama. A Midwest farm girl from Kansas new to Gulf delicacies, Yo’Mama did know hospitality and how to host lively gatherings filled with comfort food aplenty. Her appetite for life matched her appetite for eating.
With their shared zeal for celebration, great food, and warm company, Yo’Daddy and Yo’Mama opened the first Boiling Crab in 2004. Finally, the spirited fun and flavors of a backyard crab boil could be savored by friends and family anywhere. The dream was simple – serve up the best seafood around and create an atmosphere of lighthearted revelry reminiscent of the Gulf Coast.
Centrally located on bustling Main Street, The Boiling Crab in Alhambra serves Cajun seafood boils to groups headed to the nearby Edwards Theater or shopping in the neighborhood, and the fresh seafood is worth a short drive from Pasadena or Monterey Park.
Put on a TBC bib and get down with bold flavors, fresh seafood, and plenty of Dirty Fun!