Is Hacienda Heights a good place to live?
The neighborhood of Hacienda Heights is quite welcoming and diversified. The locals are kind, and there are several nearby stores that can meet anyone’s needs. The excellent nearby schools provide a wide range of extracurricular activities for the younger students. Comparatively to the rest of California, the cost of living in the neighborhood is very low.
What is the race population of Hacienda Heights?
The largest Hacienda Heights racial/ethnic groups are Hispanic (45.0%), followed by Asian (40.2%) and White (11.7%).
Is Hacienda Heights in LA County?
Yes, Hacienda Heights, California, is in LA County.
Is Hacienda Heights expensive to live in?
Housing costs in Hacienda Heights are 140% more expensive than the national average, and utility costs are 10% more expensive. Gas prices and transportation costs, such as bus fares, are 27% higher than the national average.
How far is Hacienda Heights from Disneyland?
Hacienda Heights is about 20.91 km from Disneyland.
When was Hacienda Heights built?
The present-day neighborhood of Hacienda Heights is situated on a portion of the Rancho La Puente, a Mexican land grant of 49,790.55 acres that was given to pioneers William Workman and John Rowland in 1845.